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  • 保罗·摩菲


    01-10 -  9.0分 -

      On the night of his untimely and mysterious death in post Civil War New Orleans, world chess champion PAUL MORPHY'S exciting and tortured life is reviewed. Known as the greatest chess player in the 详细>>
  • 大奕棋家


    07-13 -  3.0分 -

    On the night of his untimely and mysterious death in post Civil War New Orleans, world chess champion PAUL MORPHY'S exciting and tortured life is reviewed. Known as the greatest chess player in the mo详细>>
  • 回声少女翻身记


    11-10 -  6.1分 - - 全集

    今天且听为大家带来一部大陆 网络剧片《回声少女翻身记》,本片由执导,由我叫毛娜,于凭可pink,苑乔lucky,卫延侃,等主演,目前该片豆瓣评分为6.1分,希望大家喜欢。路德高中的明朗是个不起眼的女生,成绩一般也没有远大理想,一次失败的告白让她迅速变为校园热搜榜上的大Loser,而死党蔡淳和梅子也因为各自的困扰变得情绪低落。一场即将到来的回声乐队大赛让她们三人燃起了斗志,想通过站上决赛的舞台证明自详细>>
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